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Post by mspm89 »

The problem is not saying that Russia propagandizes. Everybody knows that.

It's pretending that Western sources are any better. They just sell a shinier product in the best of cases. Otherwise, it just works because we've all been conditioned since WW2 on who the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are.

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Post by Snabba »

mspm89 wrote:
Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:51 pm
The problem is not saying that Russia propagandizes. Everybody knows that.

It's pretending that Western sources are any better. They just sell a shinier product in the best of cases. Otherwise, it just works because we've all been conditioned since WW2 on who the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are.

What you say is not clever, we cannot put nations that respect human dignity, democracy, the rule of law, individual freedoms on the same level as totalitarian states like Russia.

Even about the quality of the information, we cannot put a free press, representing different opinion, currents of thought, on the same level as the press of a country where journalists who tried editorial independence ended up executed or in the gulag.

There are objective criteria to qualify what is good and what is evil, of course not everything is binary, but in the case of Ukraine it is.
It is a colonization war of a revanchist totalitarian state, which aims to colonize and Russify the Ukrainians by force and oppression to punish their aspiration at wanting a separate destiny from Russia

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Well, this is an interesting story.
We are dealing with a clear representative of Western Ukraine, born in the period after the collapse of the USSR.
The cliches and clichés and strains directed against Russians in general were fully brought up in his consciousness. Moreover, he himself is absolutely the same person by genes and in general, by ethnogenesis. But, how it was necessary to twist his brain to declare all this nonsense.
Actually, let's start with the fact that on the territory of Western Ukraine, the last centuries, always lived disloyal to the Russian Empire, and later to the Soviet Union, the population, which was more pro-Polish, pro-Hungarian, pro-Romanian, etc. In my opinion, the annexation of these territories to the USSR by Stalin was unnecessary, but that is another matter. All the turmoil comes from there. And all this turmoil was also felt by Poles, when all kinds of Bandera and Shukhevich appeared there. Now they are "friends", situationally against Russia, because they all have the same historical envy of Russia, and from this impotent anger. But they will never be friends, and Poland's occupation of the territory of Western Ukraine, under some ridiculous pretext, is most likely still to come. And people like this "Snabba", they will sell the whole Ukraine with their guts, as they are selling it already now.
Under the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR was the richest and most industrially developed republic of the Soviet Union. And what has it turned into during the period of its independence? To a poor, most corrupt country in Europe, where all democratic institutions, freedom of speech and political competition have been destroyed. Zelensky is now a legally illegitimate president under the Constitution of Ukraine. And whatever fakes from "CIPSO", "Snabba" did not post here, this is not my assessment, all adequate experts understand about it, and objective statistical data speak about it. He can post any fakes he wants, but an intelligent and unbiased person can always get more or less objective information about how people in Russia and Ukraine or other countries live now. With modern conditions of video information, it is not difficult. Every day foreigners come in droves to Russia and post videos about life in Russia. Right now there is the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, where tens of thousands of guests and big businessmen from hundreds of countries have arrived.
So "Snabba", your fakes are for fools like you!!!

Further, what began to happen after the collapse of the USSR.
Western Soros foundations and other Western organizations began to work in Ukraine, which had become independent. Russia, unfortunately at that time, did not work with Ukraine, because it was in a deep crisis.
The main focus of all Western organizations was to reformat the brains, especially of young Ukrainians, who are no different from Russians. They were told that they are not like Russians, they are another "great nation", almost related to the ancient Sumerians, who dug up the Black Sea (and this is not a joke, I have already posted on this forum excerpts from Ukrainian history books). They began to be told that Russians always oppressed them, "starved them" and in general the USSR and Russia are "dark Mordor". The national heroes of Ukraine began to return: Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovalets, etc., all pseudo-Ukrainian Nazis, who for the sake of their political ambitions, began to work for Hitler, to destroy Russians, Jews, Poles. And now these "heroes of Ukraine", are again honored at the state level in modern Ukraine. This cretin "Snabba", says that 80 years have passed, and now Ukraine is different. I have literally filled this forum with evidence that this is not true. And he knows it, he's just working off his salary, or else he's just a complete idiot for not seeing it. There are no other options here.

Then, people like "Snabba" began to carry out de-communization in Ukraine, destroy monuments, rename streets, cities, etc.
But it's interesting. So, we hate everything that is connected with Russia and the USSR. More than 3/4 of the territory of modern Ukraine was given to it by the Russian Tsars and the Soviet leadership when it was one state. So we hate everything that is connected with Russia, but the territories that were given by Russia should be left to them? Interesting logic of cunning, greedy, hypocritical jackals. Moreover, these territories have always been inhabited by predominantly Russian people who were loyal to Russia. Why after the coup d'état in 2014, all these civil conflicts started in Ukraine? Because many people living in these territories did not like it. So they just started to destroy them. And the West began to help.

So, this bastard - "Snabba", a clear nurturer of the last 30 years, when on handouts of Western taxpayers, it is necessary to conduct confrontation against Russians and Russia as a whole, using any means, licking the ass of Western masters for "lace panties", money handouts, and to be accepted into the "club of the chosen". After all, he behaves the way Western colonizers behave, despising all countries of the world that do not belong to the Western community he adores. Only you are an idiot, mistaken that you will be accepted into this society. You, as well as other Ukrainians like you, will only be used as expendable material to realize the goals and interests of the West against Russia and other geopolitical competitors. And you will soon feel it on your own skin. Even if you personally are lucky and you are able to hide somewhere there; in Poland, or somewhere else, the other 90%, such as you, will have a very unenviable fate.

I've been saying for a long time, you want independence, you're welcome to it. Take all your personal belongings and go to Western Ukraine. And do not touch the territories that you have been given by Russia, which you hate, where the population, which sees its future together with Russia, predominantly lives, with your filthy paws!!!
Live in Western Ukraine, forbid Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian languages, honor Bandera and Shukhevich, lick the ass of Western curators, join NATO, the European Union and anywhere else.
But I'm afraid that as soon as you have all this, the West won't fucking need you anymore!

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Post by Snabba »

Eastern Ukraine were territory inhabited by Ukrainian but colonized earlier by Russia than western Ukraine.

Ethnic ukrainian are the large majority of every area in eastern ukraine.

Even what is today western russia was mostly inhabited by Ukrainian before the Holodomor (genocide by hunger of 3 to 5 millions ukrainains) implemented by Soviet Russia.

You should read Ukrainian constitution you dimwit. Under martial law it is forbidden to hold election. Another lie from you, how surprising.

Ukrainian industry was fucked up communist industry uncompetitive in an open economy, just like Russia industry was. Russia economy rely only on natural ressources. Problem of ukraine is that it stayed for too long in Russia sphere of influence (where corruption is the norm, no state of law) instead of joining European Union as Poland did after the fall of USRR.

There was no civil war in Donbass in 2014, it was already the russians at work.

They all voted, the people of each area want to be part of Ukraine. Russia is a colonized.
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Post by MVitaly5 »

Statistics and "lessons of history" from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fuck, you can also post your modern Ukrainian history textbooks as a source. :lol:

I will not even comment on this nonsense! :roll:

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Post by Snabba »

The resultats of this referendum are recognized internationally.

Keep living in your parallel world you genocidal maniac!

There is no doubt for anyone that all those area were craving independance from their former oppressor Russia.
I shared many sources already of many origin but as long as it doesn't come from Putin mouth it is not good :roll:

The main difference between Russians and Ukrainians is that Russians are stupid, they need their government to tell them what to do, what to think.

For what reason could any ukrainian want to be associated with Russia? For living under a dictatorship that commited genocide against them in the past? No state of law, endemic corruption ? A state run by a mix of mafia clans and intelligence service?

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Fuck you, "Ухилянт", with all your fake shit from "CYPSO"! :lol:
Sit there in Poland and pick apples from the Polish Pan on the farm or wash toilets at his house, what else do you "Great Ukras" do there in exile.... :lol:
And in your dreams, you can dream how you "Great Ukr", a relative of ancient Egyptians and Neanderthals, dug up the Black Sea. :lol:
Soon there will be no memory of you in even your invented history. Because, one thing is your lies, fantasies and dreams, and another thing is geopolitical reality. And those Western masters, who are patting you on the shoulder now, smiling and pushing you to war, they are temporaries, tomorrow they will leave with stolen capital, go somewhere to the Seychelles, leaving those idiots who believe them in their countries, and you and others like you, in the ass! :roll:

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Post by Snabba »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:55 pm
Fuck you, "Ухилянт", with all your fake shit from "CYPSO"! :lol:
Sit there in Poland and pick apples from the Polish Pan on the farm or wash toilets at his house, what else do you "Great Ukras" do there in exile.... :lol:
And in your dreams, you can dream how you "Great Ukr", a relative of ancient Egyptians and Neanderthals, dug up the Black Sea. :lol:
Soon there will be no memory of you in even your invented history. Because, one thing is your lies, fantasies and dreams, and another thing is geopolitical reality. And those Western masters, who are patting you on the shoulder now, smiling and pushing you to war, they are temporaries, tomorrow they will leave with stolen capital, go somewhere to the Seychelles, leaving those idiots who believe them in their countries, and you and others like you, in the ass! :roll:
You sound exactly like the Nazis during WW2 speaking about the jewish people in Europe.

At least it is crystal clear, the mask has fallen off, Russian intent in Ukraine is genocide, nothing else.

As I said i'm no Ukrainian dimwit.

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Post by MVitaly5 »

The genocide you organized was the genocide of the Russian and Ukrainian population in Dombass!!!

And now, don't worry, people like you - cowardly cockroaches, fled Ukraine long ago. And the only ones left are;
1). Who did not have time to flee, and their poor now by force, grabbed and sent to war.
2). He is fighting because his Nazi crimes cannot be hidden, and he has only one road to hell, or trial and punishment!
3). Those who are waiting to be liberated by the brotherly Russian Army.

Until now, a huge number of refugees from Ukraine, in one way or another, are trying to get to Russia.
Here is a recent channel of one Ukrainian who left Ukraine, who was recently filtered when entering Russia. You can see what he has to say. It has more truth in it than your fake "CYPSO" crap.

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Snabba wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:37 pm
As I said i'm no Ukrainian dimwit.
Exactly, you are a Ukrainian dimwit! Smart Ukrainians don't do that.
Fakes like yours, one in the same, come from the Ukrainian service "CIPSO", which purposefully produces them and works for the Russian audience. I see them by the packs, every day in Ukrainian social networks. You do everything like them!!!
I am familiar with the M.O. and demeanor of foreign sources or trolls. They lie, but differently and on other topics.
So you can't hide your sly and cowardly ass Ukrainian ukhilanth anywhere, I miscalculated you right away.

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