Pierre Woodman in Media, TV,Newspapers etc

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Pierre Woodman in Media, TV,Newspapers etc

Post by NewMember05 »

Hi Pierre,

i read, that Sandra Shine, Bambi and Angel Kiss appear in one of your new movies? I also read, that it is a documentary about you!

Can you tell me more about this movie? Please...

BTW... Has Sandra Shine a boyfriend? ...and/or are Sandra Shine and Gabor Orban married? ...is her husband or boyfirend the reason why she doesn't do any boy/girl?

Thanks in advance ...It's okey if you don't want to answer my questions.

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Re: Documentary???


Sorry but this information seems to be wrong or I don't know anything about it.
Sandra Shine is a good friend, as Bambi. ( Angel Pink as stopped the business and is back in Roumania ).
I never worked with Sandra Shine...she's still with Gabor, not married but together and in love as it seems !

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Re: Documentary???

Post by NewMember05 »

Thanks for your answer! :D

...I don't hope it is a surprise, but she wrote yesterday in her forum...
Sandra Shine, 10-27-2009, 02:34 PM wrote:Hey all,

How are we doing?

I am good just got home from the gym. That was exhausting... Now I am working on the computer a bit then Coconut's groomer comes by for a little haircut

Tomorrow I go to shoot for a documentary movie wit Bambi and Angel Kiss.
We will star at the main title part of the movie
Its a movie about Pierre Woodman so I am sure many of you will se it.
Its funny how none of us shot with Pierre but we will be the main attraction for his film

[The link: http://www.sandrashinelive.com/forum/sh ... ount=37835]

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Re: Documentary???


I worked with Bambi in " Perfectionist ". It's not Angel Pink but Angel Kiss that she's speaking about and when Sandra says this:
we will be the main attraction for his film

She is a bit fast to speak, they are for few second at the beginning only ...

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Re: Documentary???

Post by NewMember05 »

Thanks Pierre,

now I'm really curious to hear details about this documentary movie project. :? Please tell me, if you ever hear something about it!

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Re: Documentary???


I was with the HBO team today for lunch. I'll see the movie edited soon ! I know a lot of interresting things about who speak good or bad but can't tell anything because it's better people find out when it will be on TV.
The only thing I can said about the girls as Sandra Shine and the others who have participate that week, it was for the trailer of presentation of the HBO's documentary.

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Re: Documentary???

Post by NewMember05 »

Thanks Pierre for the news...

I found some news on various forums.
But tell me, why should people talk bad about this project? Or do you mean they will talk bad about you in the documentary movie?

Where can I watch the trailer? internet? ...

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Re: Documentary???


No one was supposed to speak bad but one particular girl Michelle Wild thought it was good publicity for her to lie a lot and said horrible things about me.
But HBO was not stupid enough to believe those crazy gossip and finaly it seems she will appear shortly in the program. It's justice because she just said mad things... as, "all girls are doing anal because PW put them under drug" or " "She refused to come at my casting because I wanted fuck her ass and make believe she had never worked before" or " I have killed Michel Ricaud in Seychelles " an many other sweet candies like that !!!
Some stories will be always in the air and i can't do nothing against that but I'm glad apparently HBO has understood after following me for 5 months at work and speaking with many girls working for me, that M.W was just hating me because in 2002 she asked me in Berlin for a contract and I smile about it because I was with Sophie Paris and Anetta Keys that evening and didn't really care of her. At this time I liked her and thought she was a good girl very intelligent with super body and fantastic eyes but I never have any feeling for her face full of pimples !!! I just said her that Kovi was a good man and she should stay his contract girl. I was right because she became a TV presentator in Hungary and it's true I proposed her an interview, but she was already became very fat and it will have been difficult for me to make believe to anyone, she was a newcommer but she asked me 1500 euros for this interview and I told her she can stay at home...
I hope for her she has saved some money because today she's out of the TV, the media are less and less interrested by her, she had a chance with HBO to be again in front of the light but she wanted to be mean and she deserve what she will get soon from the life, that no one will just remember her name ...

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Re: Documentary???

Post by craving »

PIERRE WOODMAN wrote:No one was supposed to speak bad but one particular girl Michelle Wild thought it was good publicity for her to lie a lot and said horrible things about me. ... she wanted to be mean and she deserve what she will get soon from the life, that no one will just remember her name ...

who is MICHELLE WILD? ;) ;) ;)

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Re: Documentary???


One fat hungarian cow who speak bad about people without having any idea what she's speaking about !!!
She was even never able to learn three words of english, reason why they didn't kept her as presentator on hungarian TV !!!

"For 16 years WCX is a fortress resisting the changes of the internet and the hatred of morons.Thanks to the fans having always supported me but also those discovering me today. It's together that we will go the furthest !!!"

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