Peter Backman

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Peter Backman

Post by Jean »

I can't create a topic in the Males Perfomer, so i Ask here, Pierre i have a memory bug about this:


I can't remember, you directed Peter Backman in the tower ? The asshole who stoled 500,000 swedish courune from private ? What was his role again (i can't remember) ? Was it easy to work with this thief ?

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The Spider
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Re: Peter Backman


Hey what's happ with you Jean ...

1 - Peter was never a performer but the production video manager of Private from 1993 till middle 1996.

2 - I never have direct personal problem with him, just as I was the only one not under his control, there was a competition between me and his side with Frank Thring + François Clousot

3 - Yes Berth Milton used the argument he stollen 500 000 Swedish Crown to fired him but I have no way to say if it's really the truth or not.

4 - Not so long ago my friend Alberto Rey was speaking with him and put me back in contact with Peter. We have exchanged contact and spoke in a cordial way.

5 - About Tower film, I put him inside to play a little comedy because we were in London together at same time
( he was making some vignettes ) and he helped me when I was shooting the scene with Andrea and Frank Versace because the place where I did it was a "clandestin" video distribution place ( it wasn't allowed to distribute porn in england at this time and anal was a crime ). So later after the scene I make him be the gardian who find the dead body of Andrea in a trash.
We had very cool and friendly relation Peter and me. It's him who showed me the first DV camera when I came to his home for a diner in Stockholm in September 1995. There wasn't any camera like that in Europe and first one came to France on October 1.1995 in Fnac store. I when to the desk to ask it and the guy did not even knew it was arrived the night in the stock.
Because Peter knew the Europe distribution manager of Sony I got the information the camera will be delivered in France at this date. I even knew about the box going with. I never forgot the face of this guy who couldn't understand how I could know better than him what was in his stock !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Peter Backman

Post by Jean »

Thanks for the answer ! It's very cool (thanks again)

I knew Backman was the production video manager of Private, childhood Friend of Milton, and not a performer like the usual friendly team that you almost always used during that era of time (Versace, Deloin, Perry, Gun, Etc) in those Private Golds movies, this is why i was surprised that IMBD mention Backman directly inside Tower and made me think like "??? Damn Backman ? Did i miss something ? ", So with your explication, i get now that he did just some sort of Caméo/apparition inside Tower, for me it's interesting as it's a part of your filmography, and sorry i didn't know Alberto put you in contact again with Backman and that all is cool with you and him, i would've formulate things in a more diplomate way...

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The Spider
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Re: Peter Backman


OK cool that I have enlightened you about this !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are...”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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